The word “writing” started out meaning “to engrave”, to “cast in stone”…

Not much has changed – what’s written and published cannot easily be undone.

Better to do it right the first time…

We at PlanMatrix provide edgy, contemporary text that stands the test of time, truth and accuracy.

Concise and attention-attracting, work – strike that – our work assimilates modern scan reading patterns and keyword mastery.

And doesn’t distract you from what you’d rather be doing. We master bespoke commercial, technical and marketing documentation with alacrity and aplomb…

From advertising & public relations copy, speeches & tag/pay-off lines, blog content, infographics, business strategy, ISO standards document trails, joint venture and partnership, merger & acquisition, sales and purchase and non-circumventor non–disclosure agreements, letters of intent, know your customer (KYC) documents, polices & procedures, constitutions, memorandums of association and other founding documents, safety, health, environment & quality policies & procedures & manuals and “franchise prospectus, agreement, operations manuals…

Not to mention curriculum vitae for the truly ambitious…


We complement that with mixed media data such as branded marketing meme generation,  marketing/corporate/explainer/advertising video… for a turnkey, all-round media resource. PlanMatrix